Life & Literary Updates in 2024!

Happy 2024!!

Wrapping up an intense whirlwind of a year, with many ups and downs. On the professional side, I published two books after a seven year intermission (such a better word than drought 🤣), wrote another adventure with Jenn as well as a solo proposal, planned out the beginnings of a new venture I’m really excited about, and graduated my masters program after four years on and off through Covid.

On the personal front, our family made the big, exciting decision to move back to Philly, which involved lots of strategizing and school visits and applications. We also all tried new sports and activities and subsequently battled injuries this year (broken bones, torn hips, hospital visits, oh my!) but have emerged healed and ready for action.

We’re wrapping up 2023 and kicking off 2024 on our first ever New Year’s trip… to Puerto Rico… One more adventure before we start packing boxes and kicking the move into higher gear. I’ve seen a bunch of posts about “your word for the new year”, and I think mine is RALLY 🤣


Keynote Speaker at Alma Mater – My Journey in Law & Publishing